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Eco Decorator

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Proud to be Resene Eco Decorators and what it means to us and ultimately our clients.

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Before/After glasshouse imageBefore/after image of glasshouse clean up
Before/After glasshouse imageBefore/after image of glasshouse clean up

We were invited to join the Eco.Decorator programme in 2019, having had our name put forward by our Resene Representative. He knew first hand that we set the bar high, and our team consistently meet the quality of workmanship and professionalism our clients expected and deserved.

We attended the annual regional Eco.Decorator seminar, we loved what we saw and signed up there and then.  Becoming an Eco.Decorator doesn’t mean you get to put a sticker on the back of van. It’s about maintaining your obligations outlined in the programmes code of practice and being audited annually to ensure you’re “practicing what you preach”….it’s that simple.

Our first audit was 2020 but was cancelled due to covid, we were a bit disappointed as we were excited to see how we had done. Our 2021 audit didn’t disappoint, we achieved 96% which was one of the highest scores ever given to new members. The challenge then was how can we beat that…we did…for our 2022 audit we achieved 100%

We are able to leave a smaller environmental footprint by following sustainable work practices and recycling our waste products.

We have a large “WashWise” station at our yard where our team can clean their brushes and rollers. It separates the solids and we’re left with safe, clean wastewater.

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